
1.Usage & Attitude

Usage and Attitude (U&A) study aims to 'understand a market' and identify growth opportunities by answering questions on whom to target, with what and how.

U&A’s are typically done in a very customized way and, depending on the business objectives, generally include some or all of the following:

Market sizing (e.g. category penetration, usage frequency, etc.)

General category understanding (e.g. who uses, what / when / where / how, category dissatisfactions, etc.)

Understanding brands (brand penetration, brand perceptions, brand choice drivers, etc.)

Information for targeting (e.g. attitudinal or behavioural segmentations)

In our new U&A approach we use advanced analytics to unlock the best insights from the data and address specific business questions

2.Need and Consumer Segmentation

Consumers and Need-based segmentation enables client to take a differentiated marketing approach leading to:

Clearer understanding of the customers expectations and market gaps

Propositions developed specifically for individual segments, ensuring that the offerings better meet consumers’ needs

Better tailored communication and therefore more impact

With a range of innovative techniques and analytical tools, we explore consumer needs at different levels which would uncover unique opportunities and drive growth –

Functional benefits: what consequence does the attribute or product characteristics have?

Emotional benefits: how does it make the consumer feel?

The overarching values that people find important in life and to which the product or brand ultimately contributes



3.Concept Evaluation

The comprehensive evaluation of the concept is something that should be well-designed, involving the evaluation of the attributes that describe about the product's value, overall benefit the product offers and the reasons to believe.

Our approach to evaluate concepts, offers insights into the problem being solved, the degree to which the product is a fit for the problem, the rate of adoption that can be expected from the product, and the impact it will have in the market.

There are different methodologies that can be used to evaluate a concept and its underlying attributes, and it is based on the stage of product development. We recommend methodologies such as Conjoint Analysis, MaxDiff, Van Westendorp, Gabor-Granger price wheel, or others depending the business objectives.

4.Product Evaluation

Key questions to be addressed for new product and re-engineered products are,

New Product Development- What do consumers think of the product? What do they like and/or dislike? Will they buy it? Does it successfully provide all of the features and benefits that consumers desire? Does it meet the criteria for you to take to market?

Value Engineering- It's important to know how the re-engineered product compares to the original. Do consumers like it as much? Do consumers perceive differences? Will they continue to buy the reformulated product? Will they buy more? Less?

We have the opportunity to bring the quantitative consumer product testing findings to life by incorporating qualitative research. We often recruit participants into discussions to dig deeper into their experiences with the product, providing insightful "why’s" behind the numbers.

This multi-modal approach helps us in greater understanding of consumers' attitudes and learn more about their usage experience, providing a complete road map for next steps prior to launch.


5.Pricing Research

Pricing research helps to discover what customers are willing to pay for a product or a service. This enables to determine the optimal price point to maximize profit, revenue, or market share. Pricing research also guides organizations on how they can increase revenues and profit margin by increasing or decreasing prices.

In pricing research, there are several research methodologies to choose from, depending on client’s unique needs. The optimal method for any particular situation is based on the products under consideration, the desired insights to be deduced from the study, the stage of development the product is in at the time of the study, and the additional needs for the research.

Most of the situations requiring a price range to be determined coupled with a product configuration that can be varied in discrete ways make use of an Adaptive Choice-Based Conjoint analysis (ACBC) methodology. This offers a great flexibility for designing the study and sound statistical methods for the evaluation.


1.Brand Health & Equity Monitoring

While branding is vital to organizations to build the value of their entire portfolio, it’s necessary to monitor the brand health on a frequent basis to understand the brand status in a competitive context. Brand monitoring helps brand team stay informed regarding what’s being said about their brand and identifying the consumer groups who are within their brand’s sphere of influence or vulnerable.

We help clients to assess the true impact of the marketing interventions on the brand, in terms of brand standing and values associated. We measure and predict client’s brand health by leveraging leading indicators, and determine which factors directly impact the equity of organization’s portfolio of brands within specific categories.

Depending on the marketing interventions, campaign calendar and client’s objectives on their brand’s growth, we recommend appropriate research design to elicit insights that can be used to make decisions pertaining to further marketing and promotional activities.

2.Creative Evaluation

Pre-testing of ads helps clients get it right before making substantial investments on media. In addition to increased ROI, ad testing will help making sure that the advertisement resonates with the target audience, leading to better conversion rates and reinforces the positive associations that come with it.

Our ad pre-testing methodology helps in providing meaningful insights and actionable pointers that empower the marketing and advertising fraternity to have a true impact on all marketing communications. It combines the power of rational measurements with emotive consumer sentiment to complete the picture.

It encompasses the right metrics that are validated across various types and forms of communications and is powered by a series of sensitive analysis that include conventional statistical tests and sentiment analysis to help marketers to sharpen the campaigns.


3.Campaign Evaluation

It’s imperative for marketers to assess the effectiveness of the communications and its impact on the brand health & equity. Regular assessment helps in understanding the performance of the campaign benchmarked against the campaign objectives, key learnings from the campaign that can be fed into the future campaign work.

The impact of an activity is best measured before, during and after the campaign. The ‘post’ reading of the brand health is compared against the ‘pre’ and ‘during’ reading to understand the effectiveness of the campaign.

Given that the brand communications comprises of 360 degree approach with substantial spends on air, digital and on the ground, we have validated mechanism of tracking all of these. We help clients to evaluate the communication in terms of reach, brand recognition and on ad evaluation metrics along with the impact of communication on brand health, equity and perception.


1.Customer Journey

Customers expect seamless and consistent delivery at each touchpoint. They believe that companies need to understand their context, their needs & help them achieve the objective they want to achieve. Therefore, contact at each touchpoint should be understood in the context of their wider journey and not simply in isolation.

Customer journey mapping helps clients to understand the needs, expectations and individual context of the customers in their buying process and to identify the moments that matter most. This would allow the clients to target investments to what matters most to maximize effectiveness

Our multi-modal approach having qualitative, quantitative and social listening helps us in greater understanding of consumers’ opinion and learn more about their experience, providing a complete road map for next steps.

2.Customer Satisfaction & Loyalty

Every organization is ready to pay any means to identify and understand the customers and their needs. Most of them try to achieve competitive advantage by taking the responses of the customers beyond the level of ‘just satisfied’ towards ‘exceeding their expectations’.

Unfortunately, most of the unsatisfied consumers do not complain, they just go shopping somewhere else. Important lesson in today’s scenario is that customer expectations always move upward and it is only the most satisfied customers that are more likely to remain loyal in the long run.

Customer loyalty research helps our clients to determine how committed their customers are to their products and/or services. We help clients in deriving clear insights on most important drivers of customer satisfaction and loyalty. This would help companies to institute improvements which provide the greatest return on their investment and ensure that they remain ahead of competitors on a continuous basis.
