
Customer Analytics

Now, customers are more empowered and connected than ever and have access to information anywhere, any time in terms of where to shop, what to buy, how much to pay, etc. The deeper our understanding of customers' buying habits and lifestyle preferences, the more accurate our predictions of future buying behaviors will be. This would enable the clients in delivering relevant offers that attract customers rather than alienate them.

True customer understanding comes not only from listening to customer feedback but by analysing their choices, purchases and behaviours. Connected data, customer journey, and smart segmentation can help create a holistic view of the customer across their lifecycle.

We mine all forms of unstructured customer feedback holistically, from surveys, social conversations, and recordings of customer voice and text interactions. We understand the drivers of good customer experience and demonstrate the value on business outcomes. This provides deep insights into the underlying root causes to guide client’s investments for maximum business impact.

Customer segmentation

A better understanding of customer segments
leads to better targeting and
relevant communication leading to
better acquisition rates.

Customer Lifetime Value

In-depth analysis of customer transactions and
engagement to predict their potential
lifetime value.

Holistic view of the customer

Connect transactional, behavioural and survey data
to better understand the customer leading to
better insights.

Driving customer Loyalty

Use the latest analytical tools to predict
customer churn and proactively design
highly relevant offers and messages to increase response
rate and customer loyalty leading to better ROI.


Brand Analytics

A brand is a highly precious asset for companies that have been capable of positioning their portfolio of brands adequately and relevantly in the minds of consumers. Brand Analytics will show what people are saying about client’s brands and competitors. What do customers appreciate, and what keeps them from making a purchase? How are advertising and other communication activities perceived? Are there any problems with the product or customer service? Which new offers by competitors arouse interest? Understanding customer experience with Brand Analytics means right solutions today and business leadership tomorrow.

Brand Equity Drivers

Identify the most important messages, imagery, and
marketing inputs that drive brand equity
for different segments.

Impact & Contribution of Marketing inputs

Assessing impact of each part of the promotional
activities and media mix towards Brand Equity
measures and sales.


Social Media Listening

Social listening makes it easier to keep track of all online conversations pertaining to client’s and competition brands. Social listening tool collects, analyzes, and categorizes mentions of the required brands, products or services, and other related keywords found on the social web. Can monitor these across a variety of social channels: social networking services, blogs, discussion forums, online reviews, and news media.
With the help of social media listening, the early trends in the market can be identified and a lot of valuable insights can be derived which would be useful to take appropriate action or can be validated further through other tools and techniques.

Customer Engagement

Social listening gives opportunities to engage with
the relevant customers and communicate about
brands or products on a
continuous basis.

Competitors Tracking

Monitoring the activities of competitors allows
to find out new opportunities or threats and
helps clients respond accordingly.

Managing Crisis

Social listening allows to track customers sentiments in real
time. Identify the crisis, if any, at early
stages and take appropriate action quickly.

Identify Influencers and Advocates

People who are already loyal to client’s brand, say great
things about them; can be reached out & look for
opportunities to collaborate.